
Github Actions - Auto Tag Release e Release

Galera, Já está disponível na marketplace do GitHub.

Hoje criei uma action para o GitHub actions, Ela gera tag release e auto release no GitHub,

Algo que pode ajudar muito, 🤙🏽🤪 Peço quem usa GitHub actions em seus projetos seja particulares ou corporativos da está força.

Se tiver qualquer bug, reclamação, sugestão choros e lamentações kkkkkk pode chamar no contato do website.

Ela é baseada em outra do mesmo gênero, porém fiz algumas correções atualizações de libs e segurança. 🤜🏽🤛🏽

Segue abaixo seu para fins de uso.

GitHub Automatic Releases

This action simplifies the GitHub release process by automatically uploading assets, generating changelogs, handling pre-releases, and so on.


  1. Usage Examples
  2. Supported Parameters
  3. Event Triggers
  4. Versioning
  5. How to get help
  6. License

NOTE: The diillson/auto-release repository is an automatically generated mirror of the diillson/actions monorepo containing this and other actions. Please file issues and pull requests over there.

Usage Examples

Automatically generate a pre-release when changes land on master

This example workflow will kick in as soon as changes land on master. After running the steps to build and test your project:

  1. It will create (or replace) a git tag called latest.
  2. Generate a changelog from all the commits between this, and the previous latest tag.
  3. Generate a new release associated with the latest tag (removing any previous associated releases).
  4. Update this new release with the specified title (e.g. Development Build).
  5. Upload LICENSE.txt and any jar files as release assets.
  6. Mark this release as a pre-release.

You can see a working example of this workflow over at diillson/actions.

name: "pre-release"

     - "master"

   name: "Pre Release"
   runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"

     # ...
     - name: "Build & test"
       run: |
         echo "done!"

     - uses: "diillson/auto-release@latest"
         repo_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
         automatic_release_tag: "latest"
         prerelease: true
         title: "Development Build"
         files: |

Create a new GitHub release when tags are pushed to the repository

Similar to the previous example, this workflow will kick in as soon as new tags are pushed to GitHub. After building & testing your project:

  1. Generate a changelog from all the commits between this and the previous semver-looking tag.
  2. Generate a new release and associate it with this tag.
  3. Upload LICENSE.txt and any jar files as release assets.

Once again there's an example of this over at diillson/actions.

name: "tagged-release"

     - "v*"

   name: "Tagged Release"
   runs-on: "ubuntu-latest"

     # ...
     - name: "Build & test"
       run: |
         echo "done!"

     - uses: "diillson/auto-release@latest"
         repo_token: "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}"
         prerelease: false
         files: |

Supported Parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefaultrepo_token**GitHub Action token, e.g. "${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}".nulldraftMark this release as a draft?falseprereleaseMark this release as a pre-release?trueautomatic_release_tagTag name to use for automatic releases, e.g latest.nulltitleRelease title; defaults to the tag name if none specified.Tag NamefilesFiles to upload as part of the release assets.null


The following output values can be accessed via ${{ steps.<step-id>.outputs.<output-name> }}:

NameDescriptionTypeautomatic_releases_tagThe release tag this action just processedstringupload_urlThe URL for uploading additional assets to the releasestring


  • Parameters denoted with ** are required.
  • The files parameter supports multi-line glob patterns, see repository examples.

Event Triggers

The GitHub Actions framework allows you to trigger this (and other) actions on many combinations of events. For example, you could create specific pre-releases for release candidate tags (e.g *-rc*), generate releases as changes land on master (example above), nightly releases, and much more. Read through Workflow syntax for GitHub Actions for ideas and advanced examples.


Every commit that lands on master for this project triggers an automatic build as well as a tagged release called latest. If you don't wish to live on the bleeding edge you may use a stable release instead. See releases for the available versions.

- uses: "diillson/auto-release@<VERSION>"


How to get help

The main README for this project has a bunch of information related to debugging & submitting issues. If you're still stuck, try and get a hold of me on website and I will do my best to help you out.


The source code for this project is released under the MIT License. This project is not associated with GitHub.